1. Account Setup

Go to the homepage and click "Create an account". Fill in the form with your email and password, or use Google account registration. If you have a Google email, it's recommended to register using Google.

Click "Login" at the top right corner, enter your email and password, or log in using Google authorization, and then click "Login".

On the login page, click "Forgot your password?", enter your email, and follow the instructions to reset your password.

Use the password recovery function on the login page. If two-factor authentication was enabled, follow the on-screen instructions or contact support.

Log into your account, go to "Settings", where you can:
  • Update Timezone
  • Set Metatrader 5 IP Address Restriction
  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
  • Change Password
  • Set up and enable Telegram Notifications

In "Settings", click "Enable Two-Factor Authentication" and follow the on-screen instructions to activate it.

Enter your Bot Token and Chat ID in the "Settings" section. Then, check the "Enable Telegram Notifications" box.
2. Working with Webhooks

Go to the Dashboard, click "Add Main Webhook" or "Add Trial Webhook". Fill in the form by selecting the platform and entering the required data, then click "Submit".

When adding a webhook, select the MetaTrader 5 platform. If you're creating a webhook to connect MetaTrader 5 with cTrader, MatchTrader, TradeLocker, or DxTrade, choose Platform: Metatrader5 and MT5To: the corresponding platform.

To connect MetaTrader 5 to TradingView, choose Platform: Metatrader5 and MT5To: Tradingview when creating a webhook.

On the Dashboard, find the webhook you need, click "Edit" next to it, make the necessary changes, and save.

Click the trash icon next to the webhook on the Dashboard and confirm the deletion in the pop-up window.

Check the status of calls in the "Logs" section of the Dashboard, where you can see successful and failed calls.

Go to the Dashboard, click "Add Main (Trial) Webhook", select "TradeLocker", and enter:
  • Quantity Multiplier: Absolute or Lots
  • Trade Type: Hedge or Reverse
  • URL of the platform
  • Your email, password, and server name in the Server field
  • Account ID
Then click "Add Main Webhook".
3. Subscription Management

The platform offers monthly and yearly subscriptions, each providing access to unlimited alerts, webhook management, and full logs.

Go to the "Pricing Plans" section on the Dashboard, choose your preferred subscription, and click "Subscribe" under the desired plan.

After selecting a subscription, click "Subscribe", and you will be redirected to the payment page. Enter your payment details and confirm the transaction.

Your subscription status is displayed on the Dashboard next to each webhook, as well as in the "Subscription Status" section of your account settings.

Click the "Cancel" button next to your active subscription on the Dashboard. After cancellation, your subscription will remain active until the end of the paid period.

The subscription renews automatically if auto-renewal is enabled. Otherwise, go to "Pricing Plans", choose your plan, and renew manually.
4. Using the Dashboard

On the main page of the Dashboard, there is a table showing your webhooks. This table displays the Platform, Webhook UUID, Activation Date, Expiration Date, Call Count, Last Called, Payment, and Subscription Status.

To view the call history, go to the "Logs" section, where detailed records of all calls are displayed, including date, time, status, and errors.

In the Dashboard, you can customize the table display, including filtering and sorting data to see only the parameters you need.
5. Viewing Logs and Errors

Logs of all webhook calls are available in the "Logs" section on the Dashboard. Here you can see details of each call, including platform, symbol, action, volume, and status.

If a webhook shows an error, go to the "Logs" section and find the faulty call. Click on the error status to view details and understand the cause of the failure.

In "Logs", click on the failed status to open a modal window with error details. This will show the error message, helping you understand the issue.

Go to the Dashboard, click "Edit" next to the webhook, make the necessary changes in the settings, and save them.

The most common errors include:
  • Incorrect API settings
  • Connection issues
  • Improperly set quantity multiplier
Ensure all configurations are correct, verify platform availability, and double-check the multiplier settings to match your trading strategy.
6. Problems and Solutions

Check the correctness of the entered data, such as URL and API keys, and make sure all required fields are filled in. If the problem persists, try reloading the page or contacting support.

Support contact information can be found on the main page or blog section. After logging in, you can also use the chat feature on the Dashboard to leave a message, which support will respond to either immediately or as soon as possible.

Check the logs in the "Logs" section for potential errors. Ensure that the webhook settings are correct and that the platform you are connecting to is operating properly.

The status of the webhook is displayed on the Dashboard in the webhook table. You can instantly see if the webhook is active or if there are errors.
7. Creating Alerts on TradingView and Connecting Expert Advisors on MetaTrader 5

Open the desired chart on TradingView, add your strategy or indicator. Click the "Alerts" icon (bell), select the alert conditions, enter the AlgoWay webhook URL (copied from the Dashboard), enter the message (copied from the platform webhook settings), and click "Create".

When creating an alert in TradingView, specify the webhook URL copied from your Dashboard. This will send data directly to AlgoWay.Trade when the alert triggers.

Check the "Logs" section on the Dashboard. If the alert has triggered and data was sent correctly, you will see a call entry with all parameters.

Common errors include incorrect webhook URLs, missing required data, or incorrect alert parameters. Double-check all settings to ensure accuracy.

Download or add the Expert Advisor to MetaTrader 5, then go to "Navigator" -> "Experts", drag the desired Expert Advisor onto the chart. Set the Expert Advisor parameters in the pop-up window.

Check the MetaTrader 5 terminal log. If the Expert Advisor is successfully connected and working, you will see initialization messages and trading status updates.

Ensure that auto-trading is enabled in MetaTrader 5. Add the Expert Advisor to the chart and set the parameters according to your needs. Trading will start automatically when the conditions are met.

Update the Expert Advisor settings as needed, especially if market conditions or trading strategies change. Regularly check performance and adjust parameters accordingly.
8. Other Questions

Yes, the platform is adapted for mobile devices. You can manage webhooks and check their status from your smartphone or tablet.

Automatic data backup is not provided, but all webhook settings are saved on the server and are accessible after login.

Yes, alerts can be customized on TradingView by specifying the desired parameters and connecting them to your webhook.

Active alerts can be viewed in the "Logs" section on the Dashboard, where all webhook calls are displayed.

Check the webhook settings and the correctness of the entered URL. Also, ensure that your platform is sending data correctly.

Automatic position closure is configured through strategy.market_position in the webhook, which sends close commands for trades.

You can submit your suggestions through Trustpilot.