Setting Up a Webhook for MatchTrader on the AlgoWay Platform

1. Retrieving Broker ID from the MatchTrader Platform
  1. Opening the Login Page:

    Navigate to your broker's login page. For example:
  2. Viewing the Source Code:

    On the login page, right-click and select "View Page Source" or "Inspect."

    Look for the BrokerID parameter. In the example, it is located in the JavaScript configuration:

    brokerId: '1'

    Result: In this case, BrokerID = 1.

Setting Up a Webhook for MatchTrader on the AlgoWay Platform Setting Up a Webhook for MatchTrader on the AlgoWay Platform
2. Adding the Webhook on the AlgoWay Platform
  1. Logging into AlgoWay:

    Log in to your account at

  2. Adding the Main Webhook:
    1. In the Dashboard, click the Add Main Webhook button.
    2. Fill in the following details:
      • Platform: Select MatchTrader.
      • Quantity Multiplier: Choose Absolute and set it to 1.
      • Trade Type: Select Hedge or Reverse, depending on your trading method.
      • URL: Enter your broker platform's URL without a trailing slash.

        Example URL:
      • Email: The email address you used to register on MatchTrader.
      • Password: Your MatchTrader account password.
      • Broker ID: The value retrieved in the previous step, e.g., 1.
    3. Click Add Main Webhook to save.
Setting Up a Webhook for MatchTrader on the AlgoWay Platform Setting Up a Webhook for MatchTrader on the AlgoWay Platform
3. Setting Up Alerts in TradingView
  1. Creating a New Alert:

    Open the chart with your strategy in TradingView.

    Right-click on the chart and select Add Alert or click the bell icon.

  2. Configuring the Alert:
    • Set strategy as the condition for triggering the alert, as the JSON used for the webhook is specifically designed for strategies.
    • In the Notifications section, configure the following:
      • Webhook URL: Paste your webhook URL.
      • Example URL:
      • Message: Paste the JSON template from the Dashboard on AlgoWay.
      • Example JSON for Strategy:
        "platform_name": "matchtrader",
        "ticker": "{{ticker}}",
        "order_contracts": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}",
        "order_action": "{{strategy.market_position}}"
    • Setting Up a Webhook for MatchTrader on the AlgoWay Platform
    • Using Alerts Based on Price Conditions:

      If you want to use an alert with conditions like price crossing, you need to modify the JSON and specify the actual values manually.

      Example JSON for Price Crossing:

      "platform_name": "matchtrader",
      "ticker": "{{ticker}}",
      "order_contracts": "1",
      "order_action": "buy"
    • Important: For the order_action field, you can use the following values:
      • buy
      • sell
      • short
      • long
      • flat (to close a position)
    • Setting Up a Webhook for MatchTrader on the AlgoWay Platform Setting Up a Webhook for MatchTrader on the AlgoWay Platform
  3. Saving the Alert:

    Review the settings and click Create to finalize.


Now the system is configured to handle alerts for strategies or individual conditions with manual JSON adjustments.