How to Create Manual Alerts for Webhooks on the AlgoWay Platform

Setting up manual alerts in TradingView allows you to integrate your trading signals with the AlgoWay platform using webhooks. This guide explains how to set up an alert with the correct JSON message.

Step 1: Open the Alerts Window
  1. On the chart of the instrument (e.g., BTCUSD), click the "Alarm" icon in the top-right corner of the TradingView interface.
  2. In the popup window, click "Create Alert".
Step 2: Configure the Alert
  • Condition: Specify the event to trigger the alert, such as "Price Crossing".
  • Webhook URL: Enable the webhook option and enter the following URL:

Note: This is an example URL. Use the actual URL provided by your AlgoWay platform.

  • Message: Insert the following JSON message:
                    "platform_name": "metatrader5",
                    "ticker": "{{ticker}}",
                    "order_contracts": "1",
                    "order_action": "buy"

Important: For the order_action field, you can use the following values:

  • buy — to place a buy order.
  • sell — to place a sell order.
  • short — to open a short position.
  • long — to open a long position.
  • flat — to close an existing position.
Step 3: Save the Alert
  1. Click "Create" to save the alert.
  2. Ensure that the alert condition matches your intended trigger.
Step 4: Test the Signal
  1. Verify that the alert is triggered when the specified condition is met.
  2. Check on the AlgoWay system to ensure the signal was processed successfully.
Additional Notes

The JSON message must strictly adhere to the required format, or the signal will not be processed. Use the order_contracts field to specify the trade volume.

If you have any questions, contact AlgoWay support at