AlgoWay MT5 Expert Advisor Installation Guide

AlgoWay MT5 Copytrader to Tradelocker, Matchtrader, Dxtrade, Ctrader Expert Advisors Installation Guide

AlgoWay provides a set of Expert Advisors (EA) for copying trades from MetaTrader 5 (MT5) to various platforms such as TradeLocker, MatchTrader, DxTrade, cTrader, and more.

📥 Download

Each EA can be downloaded from the links below:

🛠 Registration and Webhook Setup

To use the AlgoWay EA, you need to register and create a webhook for authentication.

  1. Go to AlgoWay and create an account.
  2. Click the "Add Trial Webhook" button in the dashboard.
  3. Your webhook UUID will be generated (valid for 14 days free).
AlgoWay MT5 Expert Advisor Installation Guide
📂 Installing the EA in MetaTrader 5
  1. Copy the downloaded .ex5 file to:
  2. C:\Users\YOUR_USER\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\XXXXXXXXXXXX\MQL5\Experts\
  3. Restart MetaTrader 5.
  4. Open the Navigator window → Experts.
  5. Drag the required EA onto the currency pair chart.
⚙️ Configuring the EA

Each AlgoWay EA has parameters that must be configured correctly.

⚠️ These are EXAMPLES. Use only the details provided by your broker! ⚠️

Example for TradeLocker:
                    Webhook UUID:  b6b7001f-a3b3-4f2a-946a-4******6538  
                    Trade Platform URL:  
                    Tradelocker User Email:  
                    Tradelocker User Password: ********  
                    Tradelocker Server: OSP  
                    Tradelocker Account ID: 1124440  
Example for MatchTrader:
                    Webhook UUID:  496928d4-6014-466e-ad2e-e52*******e0438  
                    Trade Platform URL:  
                    Dashboard e-mail:  
                    Account Password: ********  
                    Broker ID: 2  
🔧 Enabling AlgoTrading and WebRequest
  1. Go to MT5 → Tools → Options.
  2. Select the "Expert Advisors" tab.
  3. Enable the following:
    • ✅ Allow AlgoTrading
    • ✅ Allow WebRequest for listed URLs
  4. Add the required URLs (use ONLY the ones provided by your broker plus!):
AlgoWay MT5 Expert Advisor Installation Guide
🚀 Running the EA
  1. Click OK after setting up the EA.
  2. Enable AlgoTrading in MetaTrader 5.
  3. Monitor logs for authorization and order processing.
AlgoWay MT5 Expert Advisor Installation Guide
🛠 Troubleshooting
  • "Invalid Webhook" – Check if the webhook UUID is correctly copied from AlgoWay.
  • "Session Blocked" – Another session might be active. Try re-authorizing.
  • Trades are not copied – Ensure:
    • ✅ AlgoTrading is enabled.
    • ✅ WebRequest is allowed for required URLs.
🎯 Done!

Now all trades opened in MT5 will automatically be copied to your platform via AlgoWay EA.